The Invisible Man Chapter 10 Summary

Life tried to return to Normalcy
After the unveiling incident of the Invisible Man at the ‘Coach and Horses’, life of the village folks tried to return to normalcy. However, there were still doubts in the minds of the people. The incident has left Mr Wadgers and Mr Jaffers in utter shock. Though, the town was tentative about what had happened, the festival mood calmed their senses.
Another Stranger Entered the Village
While the poeple were engrossed in festivities, another stranger entered the village. We could recognise that he was actually Mr Marvel – by his appearance and the sort of clothes that he was wearing. He was appeared to be talking to himself as Mr Huxter remarked.
The Stranger Entered the Inn
Initially, the stranger was not ready to enter the ‘Coach and Horses’ but then hi took his time to make up his mind and entered. There he saw Mrs Hall. All this time, Mr Huxter was keeping a keen eye on him. The stranger came out and stood there for some time.
Mr Huxter’s Chase was Brought to an Abrupt Halt
Mr Huxter’s suspicion was right. The stranger was a thief. He had stolen some books. Mr Huxter ran to catch him. The short stranger was terrified to see Mr Huxter after him. Mr Huxter was chasing him when suddenly his shin was hit and he was tripped. He was brought to an abrupt halt; lying on the ground, hurt, he gave up the chase.

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