Griffin Searched for Food and Shelter
It was January and Griffin was in an awful state. He had no home, food or clothes. Moreover, he could not tell his secret to anyone. It was biting cold and the first thing on his mind was to find shelter from the snow. He had an idea and went to Omniums—a huge departmental store. He got entry there after waiting for some time.
Griffin Waited Till the Store was Empty
There were many people in the store at that time. So, Griffin climbed over a pile of mattresses. There, he waited and kept an eye on the things happening around him.
He was waiting for the place to get empty and make the loot. After the customers had gone and the workers had tidied up the place, the store was closed. Griffin was now alone and came down.
At Peace after a Long Time
He went straight towards the clothing section and adorned many things—from socks to hat. His next hit was the food. Near the toy department, he had a brilliant idea. He could make an appearance by using false items. Finally, he went to sleep and was at peace after a long time. But he had nightmares that night.
Out in the Open Again
Unfortunately for him, he slept till late and the store opened. He was spotted. The workers ran after him. Griffin tried to hide, but somebody saw him.He resorted to hurting his pursuers and created a mess at the store. Finally, he had to take all his clothes off to go out of sight. He could not take any loot outside and decided that all was vain. He left the store directionless.
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