Mr Heelas doesn’t Allow Shelter to Dr Kemp
Mr Heelas was a non-believer in the Invisible Man’s story. He was sleeping when the siege of Dr Kemp’s house had begun and when he woke up, he could not believe what he saw. The house had been turned to ruins. Then, he saw Dr Kemp running towards his house and at once realised that the Invisible Man was after him. He denied Dr Kemp shelter.
Dr Kemp Ran for his Life
Dr Kemp ran for his life for he knew that Griffin was after him and wanted to murder him. Though he was being followed by a mad man, he kept his cool. He ran over obstacles to slow Griffin down. But as he ran towards the houses, he found them all closed. No one was on the roads and the doors were bolted as he had asked people to stay like that.
People Came Out to Help Dr Kemp
Dr Kemp kept running but he couldn’t make up his mind about where to seek shelter. He wanted to reach the police station, but abandoned the idea. Meanwhile, many people saw him and hearing his shouts came out to help him. They started running towards him and tried to provide him with some Cover.
Griffin Reaped What He had Sown
As others were trying to defend Dr Kemp, Griffin started beating him. In an instant, he was choking him. But Dr Kemp held his broken arm and cried. Suddenly, a labourer hit him with a spade. Griffin started bleeding. They all held him down and he started crying for mercy. Dr Kemp asked everybody to leave him. However, he was too late and Griffin had died in the struggle. After his death, his body became visible again. But the ‘gifted physicist’ met a tragic end.
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